10 Unique Proposal Ideas for a Guaranteed “Yes!”
October 22 2020 – Mike Yarbrough

Every love story is unique. When you finally work up the nerve to pop the question, shouldn't that experience be unique as well? Even if you consider yourselves a traditional couple that values the old-fashioned way of doing things—getting down on one knee to propose, for example—that doesn't mean you can't put your own spin on it!
We think that simple proposal ideas are the best. To avoid any clichés (think dropping the ring in a glass of champagne or proposing via jumbotron at the football game), take a look at these 10 unique proposal ideas to make your proposal more personal and meaningful.
1. Take Her Back to the Start
One of the most meaningful proposal ideas is to return to a significant place from your past. Take her back to where you first met, or where you had your first date, and make that the setting for your proposal. It's a romantic way to bring your relationship full circle.
2. Disguise the Ring
It can be hard to propose in a way that she won't see coming. One way to do it is to disguise the ring as an ordinary gift. Wrap the ring in its box and give it to her on her birthday, on Valentine's Day, or on Christmas Day (you could even put it in her stocking). She won't know what to expect as she unwraps it!
3. Hit the Trail
If you and your soon-to-be fiancée are the outdoorsy types, proposing at the end of a romantic hike can be a great option. Choose a trail that you'll both enjoy, and that leads to a special place. There's nothing more romantic than proposing at the top of a mountain peak, or in the mist of a tumbling waterfall.
4. Make It a Scavenger Hunt
If your better half is someone who enjoys games and riddles, turning your proposal into a scavenger hunt can be a fun and memorable way to pop the question! It's also a great way to get some of your closest family and friends involved. Send your beloved off on a mission to solve riddles and find clues, ultimately leading her to you, engagement ring in hand.
5. Schedule a Photo Shoot
Tell your sweetheart that you've planned a romantic couples' photo shoot. Better yet, ask her to plan it with you. That way, she'll really be surprised when you use the opportunity to pop the question. Best of all, you'll have a professional photographer right there to capture your first moments of your engagement!
6. Make a Romantic Dinner
Go the extra mile and prepare a delicious and romantic dinner for your fiancée-to-be (this works especially well if cooking isn't the kind of thing you're known to do on a regular basis). When the time for dessert rolls around, have the box holding the ring out on the dessert tray.
7. Play a Game
Is playing games something you and your significant other have always enjoyed together? A fun way to propose might be to play a trivia game and have her pick a card that has the question, "Will you marry me?" on it. Writing out your proposal in Scrabble tiles is another idea. Some prospective husbands even make a custom jigsaw puzzle that spells out the proposal when it's all put together. One customer shared with us how they carved a tray in a jenga tile and proposed to his fiancée with one of our rings. We love hearing clever ideas like these!
8. Go to the Beach
A beach proposal is perhaps not the most original proposal idea, but there's just something special about it. Whether you take a trip to your favorite local beach or go on vacation to a far-flung seaside destination, proposing on the beach is about as romantic and memorable as it gets. Choose a secluded beach spot far from the crowds, and propose just as the sun is going down.
9. Cue the Music
Go out for a romantic dinner and ask the folks at the restaurant to play your favorite song—pick a song that means a lot to both of you—so you can propose while it plays. Or go out for cocktails and escort her out onto the dance floor, and then get down on one knee as the DJ cues up your request.
10. Set the Scene
Pick a time when you know your girlfriend will be coming over and set up your home for a romantic proposal before she arrives. Decorate the room with photographs and mementos from your relationship. Light some candles. Dim the lights. You could even leave a trail of petals of her favorite flowers from the front door to the back yard, where you're all set up and ready to propose.
Just remember, it isn’t about what is most popular right now or what is the way people have always done things. This is about your soon-to-be-fiancée and expressing your love to her and the desire to have a life-long commitment. The most important thing is making your loved one feel special, known, and loved.
And don’t forget about the most important part of the proposal itself: the ring! Get started designing your own pair of custom-made wood wedding rings you and your fiancée can cherish for decades to come.
Once you've proposed, it's time to start planning your wedding, and that starts by choosing your wedding style! Will you go for a vintage revival, a charming rustic, or an absolute classic wedding? Take our wedding style quiz to find out!