Since our rings are handcrafted to order, it is important for you to use one of our ring sizers and not depend on a traditional jewelers’ sizing kit to get an accurate size. Our rings are different because many are wider than traditional bands and most of our rings come in a comfort fit style.
Jewelers' ring sizes vary and using our free ring sizer, which is included with any handcrafted ring* (see more details on this below), is the best way to ensure you get the perfect fit for your ring the first time.
When you opt to use one of our ring sizers you are also eligible for a 30-day free resizing - on all rings except for gold and any rings that have a personalized engraving. Learn more about our exchange and resize policy here
*About Our Free Ring Sizing Kit
Our sizing kit is offered as a FREE option with every ring purchase (apart from any ready to ship in-stock ring) and can be added to your order by selecting the "I Have NOT Used a Rustic & Main Ring Sizer" option while placing an order for a ring. After you have selected this option, then a hand size closest to what your ring size might be (small, medium or large - see more on the parameters for hand sizes below).
Hand Sizes: (ring sizer range)
- Small - we will send you a sizing kit that also includes our smaller sizes (sizes 5-6.5 + plus a medium sizer)
- Medium - we will send you a sizing kit that covers only our most common range of ring sizes (sizes 7 - 12.5 only)
- Large - we will send you a sizing kit that also includes our larger sizes (sizes 13-16 plus a medium sizer)
Note: If you have a hand size smaller or larger than the ones listed above, reach out to us so we can assist you further. If you’re unsure of what your hand size would be - leave a note in the order comments or reach out to our customer service team via email, phone or live chat, so we can make sure to send you the best range of ring sizers for you.
Our ring sizing kits are shipped within 1-2 business days of placing your order. You will receive a box containing rings ranging in half sizes from whatever hand size you select. Our ring sizer will include rings in a similar width and interior fit as the ring we will be making for you, giving you an accurate method to discover the perfect size for your ring.
Your custom sizer(s) will arrive with instructions on how to use the sizer and how to update your ring size and width for your order when you’ve determined the best fit. We recommend wearing the ring closest to your ideal fit for at least 24 hours. Once you have finished using your free ring sizer we have provided you with a return shipping label to send back your ring sizer, which helps us continue to be conscious of our carbon footprint.
*Note: we do not send return labels for international orders. If you receive a free ring sizer from us and you live outside of the United States, we ask that you pass along your sizer to family or friends who may be interested in an R&M ring.
We will not start making your ring until your ring size and width has been determined. Our customer service team can help provide support for finding the best ring size and width for you, so feel free to reach out to if you have any questions.

How Should Your Ring Fit?
To determine your correct ring size, you will need to select a ring from our sizer that slides over the knuckle with little resistance, while also fitting snugly on your finger. It should be secure enough to where it won’t fall off during activities, but not tight enough to where it causes any kind of discomfort. You may need to twist the ring 1-2 times to get it off.
Keep these factors in mind when finding your best fit:
Finding a ring size that is comfortable throughout the day, while remaining secure is how you will determine your best fit. Your finger size can fluctuate in size throughout the day due to temperature, diet, activities, and other factors.
1.) Take into account temperature and weather: The weather and temperature will contribute to ring fit, You may notice your ring feels tighter in warmer seasons and looser during cold seasons. Finger size can also fluctuate based on humidity and other environmental factors. Keep this in mind while you're wearing your custom sizer and working to determine your ring size.
2.) Be mindful of diet and activities: Your diet and physical activity can cause changes in your finger size. For example, high-intensity exercise can cause increased finger size due to increased blood flow.
3.) Consider your finger shape: Finger shape plays a large role in determining the right fit of a ring. Some fingers are largest at the base and gradually taper without a prominent knuckle. On this type of finger, the ring should fit snugly at the base without causing bulges or a permanent indent. You should be able to push the ring up from the underside of your finger and see a small space between the ring and your finger. One exception for this is if the base of your finger -- where the ring sits -- is narrower than your knuckle. In this case, the ring still needs to be large enough to fit over your knuckle but will always feel a bit loose on your finger.
4.) Consider the width of the band: The width of your ring can affect how a ring fits. Ring width is different from ring size, so be careful not to confuse the two! The width of wedding bands and engagement rings is measured in millimeters, so there's no need to convert using any kind of ring size chart. Men's bands are typically between 5 mm - 10 mm wide while women’s’ are between 4 mm - 8 mm wide, on average. A wider band may require a slightly larger size to fit comfortably, while a thinner band could require a slightly smaller size. Our ring sizers are sent based on your hand size selection and ring style to ensure you have the best idea of how your final handcrafted ring will feel when worn.
If you're completely confident that you've found your personal "best" fit, go back into your email and update your ring size so we can get started on your ring. Your ring does not go into our production queue until we have a confirmed size.
Can Rustic & Main rings be resized?
If you use our ring sizer, we offer a 30-day free resize on all rings with exceptions for metal rings and rings with personalized engravings, which are subject to resizing fees. Learn more about our Ring Resizing Policy.
It's important to note that metal wedding bands cannot be sized smaller. We may be able to make them a quarter size larger, but we cannot make them smaller.
In any case, know your size before you buy a ring, so you don't have to worry about it! Contact customer service if you have any hesitations or questions about finding the right ring size.